LGBT+ Liberal Democrats

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Join LGBT+ Liberal Democrats

Membership fees and donations help fund our work. They help us to support LGBT+ members to stand for election, to help local parties reach out to their local LGBT+ community, and to push forward the party’s stance on LGBT+ issues by engaging with the wider party at conference and through other routes.

Our members benefit from regular updates from us and social and networking events, and we aim to provide a supportive peer group for all LGBT+ members to feel welcome and supported in the wider party.

Join Us Online - GoCardless

LGBT+ Liberal Democrats is a Special Associated Organisation of the Liberal Democrats, with powers to raise and consult on policy. As such, all our members must be members of the Liberal Democrats and we require your membership number to process your membership.


Total Amount
New Member Details
The name of your local Liberal Democrat party.
Your membership number as a member of the Liberal Democrats, as shown on your party membership card.

Other Ways to Support LGBT+ Lib Dems

If you don’t have the money to join as a member, or aren’t a member of the Lib Dems, there are other ways you can support our work.

Find out more about our work, history, and more at!